How Alzheimer’s Community Care Supports the Stages of Dementia

Dementia is a challenging journey for those affected and their families. Understanding the stages of dementia and how they are measured provides clarity and guidance, enabling you to offer the best possible care.

Group settings in senior living communities also benefit individuals with Alzheimer’s and dementia. Residents receive specialized care support, structured routines, mental stimulation, and opportunities for social interaction.

Roselani Place | Hawaii Dementia Care
Belahoche –

At Roselani Place, we specialize in Hawaii dementia care, assisting our residents through every stage of dementia with dignity and compassion. We help families understand the stages of dementia, tools for measuring those stages, and how to support their loved ones.

The Stages of Dementia

Dementia progresses through several stages, each marked by specific symptoms and challenges. Recognizing these stages helps families understand what to expect and how to prepare accordingly.

Early Stage

In the early stage, also known as mild dementia, individuals experience slight memory lapses and cognitive difficulties. They may need help remembering recent events or finding the right words during conversations. Daily activities are still manageable, but subtle changes become noticeable.

Early Stage Caregiver Support

During the early stage, it’s essential to provide emotional support and encourage independence. Engage your loved one in activities they enjoy and create a routine that includes mental stimulation. Early intervention can help slow cognitive decline and maintain quality of life.

Roselani Place Can Provide:

  • Personalized care plans
  • Cognitive stimulation activities.
  • Physical fitness programs
  • Social engagement opportunities
  • Nutritional guidance tailored to dietary needs

Middle Stage

The middle stage, or moderate dementia, brings more pronounced symptoms. Memory lapses become more frequent, and individuals may need help with daily tasks like dressing, cooking, or managing finances. Confusion about time and place becomes common, and behavioral changes, such as agitation or aggression, may occur.

Middle Stage Caregiver Support

In the middle stage, increasing assistance with daily tasks becomes necessary. Patience and empathy are essential as behavioral changes occur. Consider professional help, such as a Hawaii dementia care community, to ensure your loved one receives comprehensive support.

Roselani Place Can Provide:

  • 24/7 supervision from trained team members
  • Assistance with daily living tasks like bathing, dressing, grooming, and medication management
  • Behavioral support strategies
  • Therapeutic activities like music therapy and pet therapy
  • Memory support programs aimed at maintaining cognitive functions

Late Stage

Late-stage dementia, or severe dementia, is marked by significant cognitive decline. Individuals require extensive assistance with daily activities and may lose the ability to communicate coherently. Physical capabilities decline, and full-time memory care becomes necessary to ensure their safety and well-being.

Late Stage Caregiver Support

Late-stage dementia requires full-time care. Focus on comfort and maintaining dignity. Consider specialized options like memory care communities for dementia that provide a secure environment tailored to their needs.

Roselani Place Can Provide:

  • Comprehensive medical care coordination with healthcare providers
  • Extensive support with all daily activities, ensuring residents’ dignity and comfort at all times
  • Sensory-based activities that stimulate the senses
  • Family support services

The Role of Roselani Place

Our Maui, HI, dementia care community offers a supportive environment for residents with dementia. We use advanced assessment tools to measure cognitive decline and tailor care plans accordingly.

Personalized Care Plans

Our approach to dementia care in Kahului involves creating personalized care plans for each resident. These plans address the unique needs of individuals at different stages of dementia, ensuring they receive the right level of support and attention.

Engaging Activities

We believe in the importance of engaging activities that enhance our residents’ well-being. From cognitive exercises to physical activities, we provide a variety of options to keep them active and engaged.

Family Involvement

Family involvement is a key aspect of our care philosophy. We encourage families to participate in their loved one’s care and offer resources and support to help them navigate the challenges of dementia.

Our Memory Care Services and Amenities

  • Skilled dementia care team with ongoing training
  • Bathing, dressing, and personal care
  • Medication management and administration
  • As-needed medical care assistance that does not require assistive machines
  • Assistance with ambulation/walking and transferring
  • Meal preparation and eating assistance
  • Housekeeping and laundry service
  • Daily wellness checks
  • Transportation for supervised outings and doctor appointments
  • Purposeful physical, mental, and social activities

Measuring Dementia Stages

Accurate assessment of dementia stages is vital for providing appropriate care. The tools below help healthcare professionals measure the progression of dementia.

Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)

The MMSE is a widely used tool that assesses cognitive function. It involves a series of questions and tasks that evaluate memory, attention, language, and visuospatial skills. Scores help determine the severity of cognitive impairment and track changes over time.

Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) Scale

The CDR scale assesses six cognitive and functional domains: memory, orientation, judgment and problem-solving, community affairs, home and hobbies, and personal care. Ratings range from 0 (no impairment) to 3 (severe impairment), providing a comprehensive picture of dementia progression.

Global Deterioration Scale (GDS)

The GDS, also known as the Reisberg Scale, outlines seven stages of dementia, from no cognitive decline to very severe cognitive decline. This scale helps families and caregivers understand the expected progression and prepare for upcoming changes.

Functional Assessment Staging Test (FAST)

The FAST scale focuses on an individual’s ability to perform daily activities. It stages dementia from normal aging to severe dementia, helping caregivers identify specific needs and plan care strategies accordingly.

If you are seeking exceptional Alzheimer’s care communities in Hawaii, consider Roselani Place. Our specialized programs will help your loved one thrive in our community.

Trust Roselani Place for Passionate Hawaii Dementia Care

Roselani Place can make a difference in your loved one’s life and provide families peace of mind. Contact us to learn more about Alzheimer’s care facilities and how Roselani Place thrives as a dementia care community.

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